Right now I'm taking a Sabbatical from the craft, but hope to return to it when my energy is renewed.
Greetings to you, the random soul who has stumbled over this hastily created blog know as "Hand Drawn Revolution." So you may ask yourself, "what is the Hand Drawn Revolution..."
HDR is a communication blog set up by Rodger Loren Perry to:
- communicate to his students about...
- relate his progress in his pursuit of...
- make critiques and share his personal views upon...
- serve as a public archive displaying the technical guidelines and blueprints relevant to Mr. Perry's...
Hand Drawn Animation!
As for the "Revolution" part... well, in the course of my various disjointed rambling essay's, lectures, tirades and brief fits of absolute madness, my personal manifesto about the state of Hand Drawn animation in the era of the computer subsidized society will eventually shine through.
At this moment in time all that is relevant is that, I am an animator by night and employed with a Community College by day and as I get free time, this blog should (God Willing) grow and evolve into something more informative and entertaining. For now, I have no flashy graphics at my disposal, no videos ready to display and no knowledge of blogging what so ever.
All I have is my words, so enjoy, come back here now and then and be well...